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Pit Loom

Pit Loom

Traditional Pit looms are set by sinking four posters into the ground and with an overhang slay. These looms have a combination of slay and shuttle boxes.

Pit Loom (Pneumatic Handloom Machine)

With technical advancements we have created Pit looms in such a way that no pit is required as they are free standing. They are easy to operate & produce better quality output in less time. Our Pit looms work with pneumatic cylinders and are available in multiple heald frame options .

Key Differentiators


Heald Frames controlled Pneumatically


Take Up Motion Taana taking up operation made easy to be controlled by weaver


Crapet Rolling and Taana take up made simple and effort less


Four heald frame Pit loom


Oprator/Weaver Resting/Sliding Chair